Living your          life using all 5 senses


Because it's how we were always meant to experience the world.

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And I’m your guide to living fully in the present moment, no matter where it finds you. When we take notice of all the ordinary things we get to see, hear, smell, touch, and taste, we realize that our lives are actually anything but ordinary. If you want a curated list of the good stuff, you’re in the right place. I love finding everything from new recipes to new songs to new vacation spots – but even more than that, I love sharing it all with YOU.

While you’re here, I hope you’ll see that balance is what makes things great. You can prioritize health and wellness and still enjoy great cocktails and desserts. A strenuous hiking vacation is amazing, but so is a lounge chair by an infinity pool. Self-care can look like trying a new workout class one day and relaxing with a movie marathon the next day. There’s beauty to be found in all of it.

The only thing you WON’T find here is judgment. We all have our own likes, dislikes, and preferences, and they’re all welcome in my space. Even if we enjoy completely different things, I hope you’ll find something here that enriches your life. 

Let’s live with all of our senses. Let’s come fully alive in each present moment.

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